Hi , These are the latest 5 McDonalds shareholder coupons. Since Im on a diet, ill hand it over to those who wish.
Each book contains 6 seats of tickets. Each sheet can be redeemed for a total of 3 items, one from each of the drinks, hamburgers, and side menus (potato chips, etc.). * There is no price limit. * It will be used at all McDonalds stores in Japan.
Expiration date : until March 31, 2025
Im waiting for the purchase of those who know how to use it.
各シートで1セット(ハンバーガー 1品・飲物 1品・サイドメニュー 1品)のお好きな商品と引き換えできます。(最高額の商品でもOKです。)
有効期限 2025年3月31日閉店まで
マクドナルドHD ㈱からの封筒にて発送させていただきます。
Hi , These are the latest 5 McDonalds shareholder coupons.
Since Im on a diet, ill hand it over to those who wish.
Each book contains 6 seats of tickets.
Each sheet can be redeemed for a total of 3 items, one from each of the drinks, hamburgers, and side menus (potato chips, etc.).
* There is no price limit.
* It will be used at all McDonalds stores in Japan.
Expiration date : until March 31, 2025
Im waiting for the purchase of those who know how to use it.
Thanks for your consideration.